put your
alcohol consumption
on pause

Participate in one of our monthly challenges, such as Fit for Vacation in June (you can register until June 4th). Or start your own challenge today.

'IkPas is taking on a challenge with yourself: you don't drink alcohol for a month to see what it does to you

Why IkPas?
Have you subconsciously developed a pattern of drinking more alcohol than you would like? Want to see what happens when you do that habitual behavior breaks through? Then IkPas is for you!
You become more aware of the choice that you can make to drink or not to drink: you break through your entrenched patterns and alcohol is no longer a matter of course.
IkPas helps you with your challenge. You can contact us for questions, tips, articles, recipes, badges that you can earn with achievements; all about you goal to accomplish!
We don't ask you to never drink alcohol again, but to stop your alcohol consumption for a while pause to put.

More than 200,000 people preceded you!

Join IkPas!

Why participate in IkPas?
This is what you get!

is mentally fitter

In addition to physically, you also benefit mentally from not drinking alcohol. 62% of the participants experience this.

better say no

Not drinking alcohol also takes getting used to for your environment, you will have to be steadfast in refusing a round. 64% is better off saying 'no' to alcohol after the action. They don't necessarily have to be the Bob for that!

lose weight

32% of the participants lost weight after the IkPas promotion! An important reason for many participants to drink less alcohol after IkPas.



Comazuipen en bingedrinken

Jongeren die veel alcohol drinken om zo snel mogelijk dronken te worden. Dit wordt comazuipen, ook wel bingedrinken genoemd. Een gevaarlijk tijdverdrijf. Hier lees je wat er precies misgaat in…
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