Such a fancy summer drink…

The beautiful weather has lasted all week (finally!). That means full terraces, sitting outside for a long time and all kinds of fun that takes place outdoors. Then that desire for a cooling beer, wine or tropical cocktail can increase even more. This is how you deal with that sigh…

This craving will also pass

That feeling 'I have to now, because…' is not pleasant. Fortunately, this intense feeling often lasts up to thirty minutes. If you do nothing, there is a good chance that the feeling will decrease considerably within this time. You will also notice that the cravings decrease as your break period continues. Find distraction in that difficult half hour. Go outside, exercise, call a friend, grab your garden tools and go wild in your garden… anything that takes your mind off things.

we do it together

No one is alone and certainly not during IkPas. Talk to family, friends, neighbours, your sports buddy, your card club, your traveling friend, visit our forum, talk to your IkPas coach: all contacts that can help you stay in control of your urge. Name your craving and talk about it. It helps, really!

train your mind

Even though we all know that a break is a treat for our bodies, the craving can persist. According to René Kahn, professor of psychiatry at Utrecht University, this is due to our: nucleus accumbens, a part of our brain, no bigger than a peanut, that is out for rewards. With a craving, you keep longing for that reward. The trick is to replace your memory of an alcoholic drink and the pleasant feeling you get with a competitive reward image. The competitive image evokes a new expectation of reward and the peanut particle in the brain responds to that. In addition, the new behavior also creates new rewarding memories.

How does this work?

Check for yourself when the urge to drink is extra noticeable (your triggers) and then use your competitive reward picture. So when you 'feel a sigh for', put on your hiking boots and stick your nose in the wind. Or you polish your car shiny clean. Or you surprise your partner/family with a homemade meal. It doesn't matter what you do as long as it's something you enjoy. Look for helpful thoughts. Those are thoughts that strengthen you in your feeling that you can handle it. They make you feel good about yourself and what you are trying to achieve. This technique takes time and patience, but can bring you a lot of peace.


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