I don't need wine

I sit behind my screen and wonder where I should get the inspiration from this week to write my next blog. Somehow it always comes naturally, but not now. Perhaps it is because I am now getting used to not drinking, have little or no difficulty with it and the healthier lifestyle also suits me well and does me good. For example, I started jogging. I won't call it running, because I don't think it goes that much faster than when I walk. But okay, I'll do it and that's a nice challenge in addition to walking. The big advantage of jogging is that you can cover longer distances in a shorter time. Ideal if you have less time to cover longer distances. Fortunately, I didn't have to buy a sports outfit, just like running shoes (I still had from all previous attempts to exercise more). As you can conclude from my previous sentence, I have already started 'running' more than once, but every time the frequency decreases after a while and finally after months to come to the realization (with a glass of wine in my hand) that I haven't jogged in a long time. Gosh, how could that be? Duh!! Could it be the Chardonnay, Tessa? With the knock-on effect that you snort too much, go to bed too late, sleep too little and therefore have no energy, Tessa? Sosssss, this is trying so much to get some regularity in it. This week the counter is on two small runs and to protect myself against the muscle pain, I'll keep it that way. I am the type; all or nothing and I could let that go a little more often. So….take it easy, not too far, not too often. Hmmmmmm, I wonder how long it will take this time, but I'm just going for it again and I still like it (Really?? Yes, really).

Then there was also a big change in my home situation this week. Because where I lived alone for the past few months, my daughter came back to live at home last week. I have to say, that's a bit of a switch. So I sat in my pajamas in front of the TV with mandarin oranges and a bottle of water, so I sat in the car to pick her up. After two days of rearranging my house, moving her things back and organizing everything again, I was really ready for a glass of wine during the last ride in the evening. At first I didn't pay attention at all and was almost on my way to the supermarket, until I had the right insight while unpacking the last things from the car and realized that I don't need a glass of wine at all to deal with this. So this is really such a situation, in which I previously bought wine to have a drink with my girl, simply because we deserved it. But why should I 'earn' wine? It's crazy that it is a habit to think about alcohol when you are stressed, busy and tired and then also consume it. If I had actually ended up in the supermarket, I probably would have bought some goodies too. So off; it is a sad situation, so it is okay to eat and drink something tasty as a consolation. Apologies from Jan Piet Snot of course, because now we had tea, tissues and a good conversation. Even now I can conclude that, in retrospect, I did not miss the wine.

And what about Libra, you ask? To be fair, we're still not friends, but I have to say I'm starting to like him more and more. He is a little more friendly to me almost every day and that eventually creates a bond. I have no idea what my weight was on January 1, but I can bet on it. I suspect that I have lost about 4 kilos by now and that stimulates me enormously to continue on the chosen path. Of course I find it difficult to watch my colleagues, who are mouth watering, eat delicious licorice, enjoy chocolates, snack (yes, also a self-made word, I'm very good at ;)) in cream puffs and pastries, while I snack tomatoes, carrots and chewing mandarin oranges. Not that I think that's bad! Far from it, but resist all that goodies…….. Sigh………. But hey, I can do it!! Just like a lot of things are happening right now. That makes me strong and keeps me going. As an incentive, I pulled a dress from the closet from about 10 kilos ago. I must and I will try on that dress again!! The photo, on which I am wearing that dress and which I found on my phone, is burned into my retina!! I can do it!!!


Blog Tessa

Me time

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Blog Tessa

To the extent that

Last week I came to the realization that I had not drunk a drop of alcohol in 10(!!!) weeks. Not that that's so special (well, maybe it is for me), but…
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