Overdag of ’s avonds drinken: is er een verschil?

Not now of course, but if you don't take a break you sometimes drink a glass or two. Sometimes that happens in the afternoon, and sometimes the evening is the time to drink your favorite alcoholic drink. Does drinking in the afternoon or evening make a difference in terms of effect? We come with answers.

Settle down on a terrace in the afternoon and have a wheat beer, or an extensive lunch topped with white wine… and before you know it you'll be tipsy by 3 pm. It even seems that you feel the effects of alcohol faster in the afternoon than in the evening.

No difference

We can be immediately clear about one thing: whether you drink a glass in the evening or in the afternoon, there is no difference for your body. It still takes your liver an hour to an hour and a half to process a glass of alcohol. The difference is in what you eat or don't eat.

Good soil

When you drink a few beers or wine in the evening, you often already have a meal. With a full stomach, it takes longer for the alcohol to enter the blood. That's why you notice the difference between a glass of bubbles during lunch and that white wine in the evening on the terrace or in the garden.

A good base therefore makes a difference, also with a view to a possible hangover the next day. Make sure you eat a carbohydrate-rich meal before you open the bottle. Think of pastas, corn on the cob, popcorn, couscous, tortillas, tacos, pancakes, poffertjes, waffles, croutons and pizza (bases), for example. Source: sublimix.be.


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