After IkPas

Now that IkPas is nearing its end, you wonder: what now? You've probably already thought about how you'll handle alcohol for the rest of the year. To think about this, it is good to first look back at your IkPas period.

To help you with that, we've created a worksheet to look back at. And especially looking forward to the rest of the year. You can download the worksheet below. Print it out and fill it in (or choose the digital version and fill it in on your computer).




Looking back and forward

In 4 steps you can start planning the rest of the year better.

Step 1: Evaluating your personal experiences with IkPas

You look back on the past few weeks. There have been times when you would normally drink alcohol. But in which you didn't do that now and were very happy and satisfied with the non-alcoholic alternative you came up with. Write all those moments in the top box on page 1.

The second box on the first page lists those times when you normally drank alcohol, but you don't really know if it was successful or not.

The third section contains those moments when you really missed the alcohol and you had no good alternative or those moments when drinking is really important in your experience.

In this way, an image is created about all alcohol moments in your life and any alternatives you have for this.

Step 2: The Health Council guideline on the use of alcohol

In the Netherlands we have the Health Council. This institute provides advice on all kinds of aspects that affect health. The conclusion of the Health Council on alcohol is that alcohol is a substance with risks and that the best advice is not to drink alcohol. In other words: 'With every glass you drink, you take a risk'. The Health Council therefore advises people not to drink, but if you do drink, to limit it to one glass.

Read more about the Health Council's guideline here.

Step 3: Make a plan for the coming months.

Take a new piece of paper and write down the conclusions you draw for yourself now that you've put everything together. It may be that a conclusion is that the break period has been so good that you will no longer drink alcohol. It is also possible that you name a number of situations in which you do want to drink, because you find them important (right column of the first exercise). You may also write a conclusion about which alternatives work well at which times. This creates a plan for the coming year.

Many people are afraid of falling into their old pattern. There are also people who notice that it is difficult to stop drinking after a few glasses.

Think about why you want to drink less, write this down and try to keep this goal in mind when you drink alcohol.

Store this plan in such a way that you will not forget it. Grab it once in a while. Then you will remember what your plan looks like and why you are doing all this. And then you can consider whether it still works or whether you still want to change something.

Step 4: Choose a tool

You may now be carrying out your plan without additional help, but for your convenience we have listed a number of resources.

Of course you can already register for a new break period, for example in six months or a year, to keep yourself sharp.

Also look up This is a website for healthier living with less alcohol. You can read accessible information about alcohol and personal stories. You will also find personal advice to cut down on alcohol and useful tests and apps.

Looking for information about alcohol? Look up here you will find frequently asked questions and all possible information about alcohol.

Are you interested in the scientific background or are you a professional looking for figures and backgrounds on alcohol consumption? Then take a look at the website of the Expertise Center Alcohol of the Trimbos Institute.


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