Blogger Maaike

Blogger Maaike


Now that the end of the 40 days is not a drop of challenge in sight, my cravings are starting to increase. My brain thinks: Yoohooo, soon I can have a glass of wine again! Well…
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Blogger Maaike

Getting easier

It was a nice busy week. Son turned 10 years old. Last year on his birthday, the schools closed and he couldn't get a treat. This year he was overjoyed with…
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Blogger Maaike


One of the side effects of not drinking for a while is that I increasingly notice the presence of alcohol. At parties and dinners, the question 'red or...
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Blogger Maaike


When I started questioning my own alcohol consumption about a year and a half ago, I saw my drinking as a habit I wanted to break. The years before that I was…
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