Blogger speaking

Day 75

That sounds nice, day 75. So I've been alcohol-free for 75 days. That feels like a milestone!

Last week I noticed that I had more appetite for alcohol than before during this alcohol-free period. Could it be because of the nice weather? It has been terrace weather a few times already. And then there is always that voice in my head that says that I can drink a nice beer. And I know I can too. No one says it's illegal to drink. But I want to keep the deal I made with myself.

This weekend was also one of challenges. Friends of ours were visiting, and with them it was absolutely customary for the alcohol to flow freely. I must also honestly say that I have absolutely enjoyed it in the past. I share the love for specialty beer with them. So this was our first time seeing each other, while me and my husband would spend the evening sober. We did report this in advance, because we wanted to inform them about it anyway. Still, they brought a nice present…. a special beer package. Naturally! I had to be very strong now. And I must also honestly say that the thought that I would like to taste one of these beers has regularly crossed my mind. But I did it. The beers are still there, unopened. And because I kept my promise, I was rewarded for it. I had a wonderful hangover-free morning last Sunday.

Now that I have not drunk for a long time, I am also increasingly aware of the consequences of drinking alcohol for me. My body feels so much healthier now. And that's why I manage to pass up that drink. My body now really gets time to recover and get healthy. It's worth it too! Because of my alcohol cessation, I started to study the harmful effects of alcohol on humans and the risks associated with it. I never realized this before, and maybe I didn't want to. In that respect, my eyes are now open, and I know what a great gift I am giving my body, to stop drinking alcohol for a longer period of time. Namely that in this way I ensure that I have much less chance of becoming seriously ill in the future. I am also aware of the fact that I am doing this for my daughter. Unfortunately, my father passed away at a young age. He had a cardiac arrest after a long period of suffering from cardiovascular disease. This could of course have had many causes. He smoked, didn't exercise much and liked a beer. I'm not saying that I wouldn't get sick if I didn't drink more, or at least minimally. But I do hope that I will ensure that I will be a healthy mother for my own daughter for as long as possible. And besides, without alcohol also a happier mom. So that she may grow up in a healthy, stable and happy family situation!

Until next week!


Blog Tamara

Blogger speaking

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Blog Tamara

Blogger speaking

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